This week has been pretty exciting! We taught a few good lessons. We got a referral to go talk to this guy. So we called him up and he said that we could come over when ever so we went to his house shorty after e got off the phone. When we got to this guys house it was clear out in the middle of no where. So we get to this guys "house" its more like a little shack type thing. He had his wife and 2 teens and 1 four year old living there. We sat down and starting talking ot him and he told us that he was a convicted felon and that he was in prison for a few years for violence and stuff. He was a crazy guy. But he does have a very strong testimony He invited us to come back so we are going to go back there on Tuesday we are going to teach the restoration so hopefully that goes good. It is hard to see people who have lived a hard life and are having a hard time to change it around.
The kids of the polygamist family that I was telling you about can no longer be baptized. We were starting on the paper work and because of new church policy they can not be baptized until they are 18 and moved out of the house. This was some really hard news because they have really been progressing very good and they were super excited to be baptized but now they cant.
Conference was good. We watched it at the church and then the Bishop and first counselor took us to lunch after the first session.
That's about all that went on this week.
Love you!
Love Tyler