Monday, March 14, 2016

Week of March 7, 2016

Hey Y'all!! I hope that everyone had a great week this week!! This week out here on the rock we had a pretty slow week. I've learned that even on the slow weeks that they can still be great weeks. Another thing that I have learned is that days, or weeks are really what you make them. If you want to have a good week then you can make it a good week.

Serving out here on the reservation we learn a lot about the ancient traditions of the native american people. Some of the things are a little bit crazy... Example some of the people think that Jesus Christ came to the people in the form of a white buffalo and they think that Jesus or this white buffalo gave them the chanunpa, which is a sacred pipe that they use, when they smoke on this pipe they see there ancient spirits of there people . So its pretty much some crazy drug that gives them hallucinations.

 On the other hand some of the things that they say is pretty interesting and can really apply to life. We were talking with this guy and he told us that there are two wolves inside of us. There is a bad wolf and there is a good wolf. The one that we feed is what makes us a good person or a bad person. So if we "feed" ourselves with good things such as the characteristics of Christ or the Christ like attributes which are faith, hope, charity, love, virtue, love, patience, humility, diligence, and obedience so if we do these things it will make us a good person. So its important the "feed" ourselves with good things so that we can all be the best people that we can be. We cant feed both wolves so we have to decide who's side we are on. Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." I challenge all of you to be a little more Christ like this week and do a little better on one of these Christ like attributes. 

Some other exciting things that happened this week is that our investigator Nehemiah who is on probation, we had to send in papers to the first presidency to get permission to baptize him because of this probation, we got his papers back this week and it was approved so that we will be able to baptize him... On the down side he got locked up in jail again this weekend so that's kind of a bummer, were not sure when he is going to be out of jail. Our other investigator RJ also got locked up in jail again were also not sure when she will be out either. Geez its really hard to teach these people when the keep getting locked up in jail! #rezlife 

Also they are closing this area so I will be getting transferred. Me and my companions are going to the Rosebud, Mission, and Winner area. We are excited to get out there and meet new people.

I hope that ya'll have a great week!! Love you all!! (all of you that respond to my emails anyways) 


Elder Brinkerhoff 

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